What I agree with: “GP and media think of kpop as this manufactured machine and that idea is constantly being reinforced by the media who only ever talks about the ‘dark sides’ of kpop.” This is a gist of my arguments in the above responses. The Western media has been framing the discourse of K-pop […]
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ARMY A: “the OP seemed to be taking issue with fans wanting to distance BTS from the stereotypes of the “Kpop”… but that this inadvertently implies that the stereotypes DO apply to other artists under that category… so they feel like it’s perpetuating the stereotype?” I observe the purpose of removing the label of K-pop […]
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Comment from ARMY G (BRAZIL): for example, the discussion of Nicki Minaj and female rap… Like, why keep talking about her as “female rap” when she’s definitely in the same league of all the greatest rappers regardless of gender? I know race/culture/gender are different debates, and you guys might or might not like Nicki Minaj […]
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None that I strongly disagree with or agree with. It’s such a complicated conversation that I can kinda lean towards any of the points being made. “Are there opinions expressed that are potentially the result of misinformation? If yes, what?” Not really.
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Honestly, BTS is amazing, but people in this transcript seem to think that BTS is unmatched. I hope fans can remember that they don’t know everything about every music in the world and probably not even every significant artist active in Korea. Stay open to the exciting discoveries of your future! BTS had the K-pop […]
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There was a point about how claiming that BTS isn’t K-pop will further the stereotype that the West perpetuates about K-pop. However, the history of popular music in the West shows us that dismantling the “boxes” that keep POC artists separate is a more effective way of integrating musical styles/cultures into the mainstream. This helps […]