Read this to me
The views, information, or opinions expressed in this [article, essay, letter, etc.] are solely those of the creator(s) and do not necessarily represent the official policy or position of The Rhizomatic Revolution Review [20130613] or its members.
Content Warning
- Depression
- Trauma
- Mental Illness
Somewhere, in this great expanse of a world that we live in, silent pleas go unheard, emotional scars linger, and truths — which are many — remain unspoken. Aimlessly we wander, searching for something or someone to free us from the dis-ease that permeates our lives. Surrounded by many, yet still alone; frustrated with life, yet unable to change.
One day, we hear a sound, and although faint and unfamiliar, the note lingers. Unknowingly, we feel the smallest of sparks ignite within and something or someone begins to call our name — lovingly, warmly, and invitingly. The sound transforms into music and melodies, bringing forth healing messages of hope, love and resilience. As the fog of indifference lifts from each of us, a path bathed in purple light reveals itself. Hearts soften, tears roll down our cheeks and unashamedly our journey with BTS begins.
“Walking the Borasaek Road with BTS” is a tribute story as much as it is a collection of five personal narratives. Collectively, it honors the seven members of BTS and their many contributions to the world of art, music, and dance. Individually, there is a unique beauty and richness to each of the stories we have chosen to share. Each of us became an ARMY at a pivotal point in our lives and eventually our journey with BTS led us to Borasaek Vision. Through our shared interests and love for BTS we have now chosen a new path for ourselves, one that allows us to “walk the borasaek road together — with love and trust, until the end”.
Borasaek Vision is home to some twenty-plus staff, all of whom volunteer their time, energy, knowledge, and skills to produce online content about BTS and their fans, ARMY, that is insightful, informative, and inspirational. The word Borasaek (보라색) is Korean for the color purple. For the founders of Borasaek Vision this word provided a deep sense of connection to BTS, especially as V had already created the word borahae, which for ARMYs means I purple you. As a multi-level organization, Borasaek Vision has a very clear leadership structure in place to mentor and guide the six teams responsible for bringing Borasaek Vision’s dream to life. At first glance, you may see content writers working collaboratively with editors and designers to produce our online content of weekly blogs and bi-monthly magazine issues. However, beyond the formal position titles, we are a diverse collective of talented and passionate ARMYs from all walks of life spanning across four continents.
What brought us to this space of Supplemental Stories? The R3 Journal recognizes that each of us is a storyteller in our own right, with the capacity to weave words and images together to create narratives of knowing and being. Resonating with this belief provided the momentum needed for our small group of contributors to share narratives close to our hearts. Inspired by our love for BTS, our joy of writing, and our respective journeys that led us to Borasaek Vision we are here to share our journeys and hopefully, inspire others to write in the process.
The Borasaek Journey with my Borasaek Family
by Euni
This road may be long and rough but will you stay with me?
— “A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone” Translation credit:
We may fall and sometimes get hurt but will you stay with me?”
Bangtan Sonyeondan has played a huge role in my life since 2015. I have been with them through their highs and lows, and they did the same for me — even though they don’t know my name. The lyrics above, from their song “A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone,” specifically stopped me from committing the one mistake I’ll never regret, and it goes to show just how massive their impact has been on my life. Also, through BTS, I have made ARMY friends and spread the importance of loving oneself. It’s undeniable that they have a positive impact on ARMYs across the globe.
BTS has saved my life multiple times through their songs and authenticity, and my way of showing them how much they mean to me is through organizing fan projects. I am part of 10 BTS fan projects, for which I write and edit articles and tweets, research important information, and design magazine articles and posters. People often ask me, “Isn’t that too much?” It sometimes is, but I usually find a way to balance these fan projects with my personal life. Moreover, since it’s my main way of showing BTS and ARMY my gratitude for their existence, I make sure to find time to organize such fan projects. One of these fan projects is the Borasaek Vision magazine .
The idea behind Borasaek Vision, first started in June 2019 by a group of ARMY friends who left another fan project, was to create a magazine that aimed to become a reliable and accurate source of information about BTS for ARMYs. I am not one of the founders, but I was present during its development. The dedication, love, and support my Borasaek family and I poured into making Borasaek Vision a reality will always make my heart warm, as I have never seen such commitment in any of the other fan projects I have organized.
At the start of my Borasaek journey, I was first an editor, who ensured that every blog and article we released was precise and well-grounded. Through my experience as an editor, my knowledge of BTS, ARMY, and their global influence widened. In addition to being an editor, I was also a designer for Borasaek Vision. However, design isn’t really my forte as I am more into writing. I know the basics of using programs for digital design, but not to the extent of creating jaw-dropping magazine spreads. But my Borasaek family was there to help me broaden my design skills through their words of encouragement and constructive criticism.
In time, I also became a writer for Borasaek Vision. Writing has always been my first love, so to be able to share my love for BTS through writing was two strokes of luck for me. One could say I am a jack-of-all-trades here at Borasaek Vision because I am in more teams than one, but in reality, it’s just me utilizing my skills to deliver only the best for BTS and ARMYs.
Being here at Borasaek Vision helped me become a well-rounded individual, both as an ARMY and as a person. My Borasaek journey was a whirlwind of emotions, but my Borasaek family is always there to keep me sane. The start of my Borasaek journey was a learning experience — and fun at the same time. Just imagine working with a group of people who share the same interests as you; wouldn’t that be amazing?
Months after the start of my Borasaek journey, my Borasaek family entrusted me with the role of Assistant Design Manager. I always had this belief that I am not a designer, but the trust my Borasaek family had in me gave me the motivation to give my best. At first, it was daunting being a co-leader of a team of amazing designers, but little by little I completely grasped the idea. It was challenging, I wouldn’t deny that. The Borasaek journey is not always smooth, but I trust in the Borasaek family to, little by little, make that rough journey smooth. Now, as an Assistant Design Manager, editor, and writer, I am carrying a larger workload than I have ever carried before. It is still a wonder I can balance my time for Borasaek Vision with my other fan projects and my personal life. With understanding people around, like my Borasaek family, the workload I carry feels lighter than it should be. I consider myself lucky to have these people by my side, making my Borasaek journey more interesting.
My father always tells me how BTS made my life more colorful, and I couldn’t agree more. BTS has the power to inspire people to create a meaningful life out of a dull one, like mine. Through BTS, I met amazing people like my Borasaek family and I was able to hone my skills better as an individual. These seven boys definitely had a good influence on my life, and I’m sure other ARMYs also feel the same way.
Every ARMY has their own journey with BTS, and mine was shared with Borasaek Vision. I have a platform to share my love for BTS using my writing, designing, and editing skills, and with people whom I call my family.
“This road may be long and rough but will you stay with me? We may fall and sometimes get hurt but will you stay with me?”
This is the story of my Borasaek journey with my Borasaek family. We’re a bunch of ARMY friends who believe in BTS’s advocacies, and we share it with the world through our skills. We are ARMYs who will definitely stay with BTS despite every obstacle faced.
You gave me the best of me so you’ll give you the best of you,
— “Magic Shop” Translation credit: @doolsetbangtan
You’ll find the galaxy inside you”
Euni’s story reminds us that just as we are inspired by BTS to become better versions of ourselves, they too are always striving to be the best that they can be, both as artists and as young men. Through finding BTS in her moment of need, Euni experienced an awakening, one that puts her on a path of service to numerous BTS-inspired projects, as an expression of love and gratitude.
Without Reservations
by Anna
My journey to Borasaek Vision was swift and chaotic, in character with the band I support.
I say this, as my journey to BTS and ARMY was similarly brief and chaotic. For some ARMY, the path is longer and the result much smoother; condensing it as I did into such a short timespan created bumps and whorls that others might not experience.
BTS and I found each other in August 2018. Usually ARMYs say that we find BTS when we need them most, quoting Kim Namjoon, but I think they had some agency in the process. Some intercosmic connection told them that there was a girl somewhere who needed them, and via their supernatural control over the internet, they sent out feelers to find me.
I was assailed regularly by ads for the YouTube Burn the Stage series, and eventually I got tired of not knowing what these ads were about — nothing vexes me like a lack of knowledge. Then of course I happily pranced down the Borasaek road alongside other ARMYs, learning their names, catching up on the MVs, and working through their extensive back catalog of music.
The thing is that I don’t do anything halfway — when I love something, I love it wholeheartedly, unconditionally, and without reservations. When it came to BTS, this translated into launching myself headfirst into supporting them in every way I could and diving into fan projects and the Twitterverse with abandon.
This caused its own set of ups and downs, irrespective of my “real life” turmoils. I have struggled with depression for many years, and, in some cases, the constant chaos of Twitter, however well-meaning, was too much for me to handle. The fan projects I was involved with were distractions from the pain of the outside world, but they brought their own stresses and drama, and there was something about them that didn’t fit with me.
I am a journalist by training, and many articles I read about BTS or ARMY left something to be desired. There always seemed to be something missing in the coverage — either the article was laser-focused on one tiny facet of BTS to the exclusion of all others or was too broad and superficial. Neither were of much use when it came to learning about BTS, their message, or their global impact on the music industry.
Fortunately, one of the many gifts being an ARMY has given me is a group of like-minded people whom I now call friends. Together we founded Borasaek Vision to fill those voids. Our vision is to provide high-quality, insightful content not only about BTS and ARMY, but also about topics that will interest our readers outside the group’s activities, including culture, art, and more. We have made it our mission to tackle difficult topics within the fandom and without, presenting ARMY’s side of the story when other sources focus only on one narrow aspect to further their own agenda.
ARMY has a lot of good points and bad points, ups and downs, loud voices and quiet ones. But every ARMY has a voice, and every voice deserves to be heard. We want to provide an outlet for those quieter voices and show that ARMY is more than just a fandom, more than just a concert crowd.
Though it is a massive effort to do the work of Borasaek Vision in our magazine publications, our blogs, and our tweets, I am proud of our project and love what we do. We work harder and get stronger as an organization with every post, tweet, blog, and magazine issue we publish. Like me, every staff member of Borasaek Vision shares the same love for BTS, and that love extends to the love for our project:
Wholeheartedly, unconditionally, and without reservations.
Now that you’ve finally found me and uttered my name
— “Serendipity” Translation credit: @ColinSH3
Like the flower that waited for the blooming season
I shall blossom resplendently with you”
Anna’s origin story with BTS is unique to her, as is the relationship that she shares with them and the ways in which they have inspired her. As a “baby ARMY,” there is still much that Anna has yet to experience, but she has shown us that when you commit yourself whole-heartedly to walking with BTS and ARMY, each day brings new opportunities to realize your potential.
BTS: My Strength & Backbone
by Miranda
I have this belief that things happen for a reason.
I didn’t find a major that I loved and end up graduating with honors until 10 years after I graduated from high school. If I had found a major I loved right out of high school, I wouldn’t have met my teacher who is now my mentor. But even with that belief, you can still find yourself questioning things and that is where I found myself six months after I graduated. I was stressed, trying to understand how my friends who didn’t graduate with honors all had jobs already, yet I was struggling just to get an interview.
All of my feelings of disappointment and depression didn’t come crashing down on me, though, until after I came back from volunteering with my friends on a project — a project that I enjoyed because I was able to put my advertising degree to good use. They all went back to their jobs while I went back to Starbucks. Now, I don’t look down on people who work in the retail world, but I went to school and found my passion only to see all my friends go back to theirs, while I had to let mine go. This was the final nail in my coffin.
So, I was back at work again, but this time I wasn’t able to get any joy from my normal hobbies. Even my co-workers said they could no longer see the same joy that I used to have and, try as I might, I didn’t know how to bring it back. It got to the point where one day at work all someone did was ask me how my day was going and I started crying. I couldn’t explain why and it took me a good 10 to 15 minutes to stop.
One day my friend tagged me in BTS’s “DNA” MV for the second time because she thought I would like them, so I gave them a chance. I thought they were good and started looking up more of their songs and MVs. Then I heard “Tomorrow.” That song resonated with my soul and stopped me from giving up. It helped bring me out of the funk that I was in — one that made me feel like I was close to becoming depressed.
BTS has this way of making music that has you feeling like they get you when no one else does. Their music is like a group hug to bring you comfort when you need it the most, so thank you, BTS. Even to this day when I am feeling lost, a new song comes out and it’s like they heard our cries and our pain. I always believe that with BTS we discover their music at a point in our lives when we need them the most. Thank you BTS for giving me strength and being my backbone when I felt like I couldn’t stand anymore.
Months later I am still in the rabbit hole of discovering BTS and still looking for my “forever job.” I applied for a temporary position not thinking I was going to get it, but I had nothing to lose and it was working with anime, which is something I loved anyway. I got the job, but I let myself forget that it was only temporary and instead convinced myself that they were going to keep me. When they decided that my term was over, all the past emotions of disappointment and frustration came back tenfold. This was especially hard-hitting because I had chosen not to see the inevitable. Again, BTS was there helping me to understand that it was not my fault and that this was only one door closing, in a room of many.
Sometime later I came across a post to join a fanbase to work on their social media team. I figured while I was still looking for my “forever job,” I could continue using my background in advertising and get the chance to post about BTS at the same time. For one reason or another, though, things didn’t work out, so some of my ARMY friends and I talked about starting a magazine more in keeping with our own vision. With fewer than 10 of us in our group, we set out to make our vision a reality. We spent months working diligently behind the scenes because we wanted to ensure that we could operate as a real magazine company, focusing initially on things like our brand and our logo (which went through many revisions). Ultimately, we wanted people to not only recognize us as BTS fans but also as our own identity of Borasaek Vision.
In my current role as the manager of Social Media and Research, my Bachelor of Science in Advertising serves me well. Yes, I am still looking for my “forever job.” Yes, we still have trials and tribulations as we go, but what company doesn’t? This is Borasaek Vision and this is my path — walking along the purple road. Follow along, it is bound to be a bumpy but fun ride, yet I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Even if it’s a bit slow, I will walk on my own feet,
— “Lost” Translation credit: @doolsetbangtan
Because this is my way for sure
Because I will reach there someday, even if I take a detour”
Miranda speaks of being on a journey and, although this isn’t the one she had hoped for, she understands that life has now placed her on this purple road for a reason. One of those reasons was to find BTS, who continually provide comfort, strength, and clarity in times of need. Finding her “forever job” is still a long-term goal, but while Miranda is here she will make the most of the opportunities that come her way.
When a Nightmare Turns into a Flower Path
by Ram
May 25th, 2020, officially marked the third year of my being a BTS fan and I am completely proud to tell the world that I am part of one of the biggest and strongest families in this world called ARMY. To say they have made my life better is an understatement. They’ve helped in a way I thought impossible at first, but, well, here I am now. BTS came into my life at exactly the right time: when I had no one to rely on, no energy to keep standing, and no hope or dream to keep my life going. From that moment on, I promised myself that I would keep supporting them.
I’ve stanned a few idols in my time, but I never felt attached to them in the same way that I feel towards BTS. Through BTS, I realized that I’m not alone, that even a famous artist like them could feel certain things that people might find odd or even impossible. I found my strength because of them. I admire the courage they have to speak up about their thoughts, hardships, mistakes, and problems.
They have shown me that mental illness is not something to be ashamed of and that speaking up and reaching out for help are not signs of weakness, but signs of strength and courage instead. They are not afraid to be raw about their emotions, nor are they afraid to admit and apologize for their wrongdoings. Their apologies are not just empty promises, and through their efforts they try not to repeat the same mistakes. Their character development is real and very visible, encouraging fans to also do the same.
BTS were also the reason behind my big decision: getting back into writing. I used to write a lot of short stories as an escape from reality, but at one point I had to stop. Writing had turned into a nightmare for me; no longer was it my escape. I stopped writing for years and even deleted all of my short stories. Just the slightest thought of writing something made me feel nauseous, to the extent that I felt as if I were suffocating. The trauma was so great that I couldn’t touch a writing app; I couldn’t even open my notes other than when I had to complete school assignments. My condition got worse because I was forced to stop writing in the worst possible way, but still, deep down inside I dreamed or perhaps hoped that one day I would be able to write again. Despite what happened and the trauma that developed from that experience, I missed the euphoric feeling and relief of writing.
When writing was taken away from my life, I was grateful that I still had dancing as my last escape, and it was through dance that I was introduced to BTS. I had known about BTS since their “Boy In Luv” era because one of my friends asked me to join their dance cover of the song and I said yes — FYI, I danced as V. Even so, I never really paid a lot of attention to BTS, though I enjoyed learning their other choreos — until the septet released “FIRE.”
A year later, after a lot of research and finding out as much as I could about them, I declared myself an ARMY. This declaration happened on the day of my birthday in 2017. I found a lot of comfort in their lyrics, music, ments, and even from their Run BTS! series and V LIVEs. Also, as with some fans, I liked to read fanfiction about them. Many writer ARMYs wrote fanfictions that reflected their idols and tackled difficult stories, such as writing a story that openly addressed mental illness and how to overcome trauma. There was an openness and rawness to their writings; more often than not they used BTS’s words or experiences as points of reference.
I was fascinated by those fanfictions. So much so, in fact, that one day my hand naturally reached out for my notebook and pen, and I began to scribble down some of the story ideas floating around in my mind. When I was done and had put down my pen, the realization of what had just happened hit me and I was shocked. I had a momentary breakdown that day, but then afterwards I remember taking a long, deep breath and listening to BTS’s songs while walking.
I didn’t write anything after that day, the breakdown still fresh in my mind, but then one day I realized I had progressed from where I once was. I actually took a pen and wrote down my ideas! It probably wasn’t something grandiose that I wrote, but little by little I began to do something that I thought I would never be able to do again – I began to write. Of course, it was not without its bumps and bruises, but somehow, I managed to keep at it. During that time, I remember listening to BTS’s songs and watching content whenever I had an “episode,” another momentary breakdown. As I continued with my story, I decided to write about the emotions I had bottled up for years and it worked wonders. I started to write more and more. I even gathered up the courage to post my story on an online writing app and the feedback I received helped me to become steadier on my feet.
In 2019, I published two physical books. Many people visited my social media to express their feelings and thoughts about my books, and though there were some negative comments, I tried to focus more on the positive messages and constructive criticism. I would be lying if I said BTS didn’t help me during those times. I’ve regained my passion for writing and I’m forever grateful to BTS for helping me through some really difficult and dark moments in my life.
That’s also how I found this amazing team called Borasaek Vision. I’m also a film student, majoring in scriptwriting. While I have written several fiction stories, both my books and fanfictions, there’s another area in writing that I want to learn about and develop more. I wanted to write articles and blogs. I used to write a few of those pieces for my high school magazine and I missed it so much during college, but because of how busy I was with college, the longing was buried deep inside. That is until my friend sent me an announcement that Borasaek Vision had opened up applications to join their team, and there was a writer division available. Without thinking too much, I decided to apply, and to be honest, I was not expecting a positive result. I’m still lacking so much, especially because English isn’t my native language, but well, here I am now, a writer on the coolest team I’ve ever joined. As part of this team, I’ve made a promise to myself that I will keep working to improve my writing and I will be a good representative of the team and also of BTS, the idols I’ve admired for years now.
I’m forever grateful to (and for) these seven amazing human beings who gave me a great amount of comfort during my hard times and helped me regain my passion for writing. Finding BTS eventually led me to this amazing team of ARMYs called Borasaek Vision. Writing used to be one of my biggest nightmares, but now I can imagine myself a few years from here, sitting in my small, but cozy apartment, with my laptop on my lap, writing piece after piece — stories, blogs, articles, and whatever else comes along and I am happy because I decided that this is going to be my path.
(So thanks) for believing in someone like me
— “2! 3!” Translation credit: @doolsetbangtan
for bearing the tears and wounds,
(So thanks) for becoming my light
for becoming that flower in the most beautiful moment in life”
Ram speaks of the impact of struggling with mental unwellness, to the point where she could no longer find joy in her writing. However, through dance and a persistent friend she discovered BTS, who soon became a warm and guiding light in her moments of struggle, helping her to find her way home again. Over time, Ram grew to love and appreciate BTS for their courage, humility, and sincerity. She was also able to reconnect with her passion for writing and now looks forward to a brighter future with her new ARMY family and BTS.
Stepping Forward Into My Future
by Shelley
Walking the purple road with BTS is a journey of love and trust. They may never know my name and meeting them in person may seem inconceivable, but the transformations that have taken place in my life as a result of their existence are undeniable. By no means are they perfect, but there is a beauty and sincerity to who they are as artists and human beings that resonates. Just as Kim Namjoon said that he heard music calling his real name during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 2018, their music also spoke to me. So much so that within the ambiguity of their lyrics I heard my own stories of struggle and hope, darkness and light. The long, cold winter of my life had finally found warmth and comfort in BTS’s embrace.
For many, spring is the season of new beginnings and in spring of 2019, within the space of one week, the purple road that I had been walking for nigh on four years led me once again to a space of untapped potential. With BTS as my inspiration, I stepped forward into my future, choosing to take hold of the opportunities that came my way. Trusting myself to take those first steps soon came with its own rewards. First off, I joined a small, online ARMY group chat created through Twitter and what a joy that has been. Getting to know seven beautiful ARMY sisters who love BTS as I do, speak my speak and support me (albeit from afar) was a godsend. Second was an acceptance letter to present at the inaugural BTS: A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project at Kingston University, London, in January of 2020. The third was confirmation to join the newly established Borasaek Vision, an ARMY-led project dedicated to BTS.
Just like that, a synergetic spark was ignited between my love for BTS, passion for writing, and enduring belief in the power to transform lives through healing, music, and education. More importantly, though, I realized that believing in myself enough to step outside of my own comfort zone in the first instance held more significance than the actual outcomes of being accepted. As a result of presenting at the conference, I was privileged to spend the first week of 2020 with ARMYs and non-ARMYs alike — all of whom were just as passionate about BTS as I was, if not more. With Borasaek Vision, though, I found a home for my two loves, writing and BTS, as well as a way in which to weave those two worlds together. As for my ARMY sisters, they too are a special part of my daily life now.
Borasaek Vision exists because of the aspirations of a small group of dedicated ARMYs who dared to dream. On a daily basis, I see them sharing their knowledge, skills, and experience, as well as their passion, hopes and “borahae” love to inspire and inform ARMYs and non-ARMYs alike. Yet, when I first applied with the hopes of becoming a blogger I had no prior knowledge of who they were or what they did. All I remember is a tweet randomly showing up on my timeline last year that read, “Welcome to Borasaek Vision. Keep a lookout for when our blog goes live. We are looking for some more designers, writers, and editors; click the link in our bio to apply.”
On a personal level, there is just no other way to describe it except to say that September 2019 was a magical month for me as an ARMY. Three key phrases that always prompt heart-warming memories whenever they come to mind are “BTS conference,” “Borasaek Vision” and “Pineapple Lumps.” The third may seem a little out of place, but if you are part of the NZ_ARMY fanbase, you will fully appreciate the significance of those two incongruous words.
Pineapple lumps are a chocolate-covered, pineapple-flavored marshmallow confectionery unique to New Zealand. As such, the “Pineapple Lump Protection Policy” was a unique initiative set up by Tracey MacCauley, founder of the New Zealand BTS A.R.M.Y fanbase. The intent of this initiative was to protect BTS’s privacy when their busy work schedule suddenly (and amazingly) brought them to our shores to film Bon Voyage 4. Interestingly, as part of the application process for Borasaek Vision, this experience became the topic of one of my sample blogs as I attempted to demonstrate my writing ability. More notably, though, as a proud New Zealander and ARMY member, I had the opportunity to write a recap blog titled A Season to Remember: Bon Voyage NZ when the series concluded. One line from that blog still resonates with me today: “There is something magical about going to sleep at night and waking up the next morning knowing that the BTS members are sleeping under the same moon and stars,” albeit 900 odd miles away. In my opinion, being able to write about an event that held so much personal meaning for me was an honor.
Eventually BTS returned home, life returned to normal, and I joined Borasaek Vision as a content writer. Imagine how excited I was to learn that they also had a small team presenting at the BTS conference. The possibility of meeting other Borasaek Vision members who hailed from the US, Italy, and the UK was as daunting as it was exciting, so it is not surprising that our first meet-and-greet was an emotional moment for me.
Such is the power of BTS and ARMY, that friendships are forged from a shared love for BTS. Never having blogged before, I now do so with ease and am currently looking at how I can introduce this into my work context. I have also started to share my love for BTS and their music with people outside of my ARMY bubble and although I find this difficult to do at times, this is who I am now.
Walking the Borasaek Vision road is a journey continually in the making and a space where I go to nourish my heart; as such, writing is once more a creative endeavour and a joy. “Walking the Borasaek Road with BTS” is a journey too, one of love and trust — not only for the seven members of BTS, but more importantly, for myself.
I that had lost its glow,
— “Epiphany” Translation credit: @ColinSH3
My soul that was too long ignored
This was a moment of epiphany,
So I love me
I’m not perfect in any way,
But there is a beauty in just being me”
If there is a key message to come from this story, it is the importance of believing in yourself and making the choices that only you can make for your own healing to occur. Opportunities may come your way, complete with their own rewards and challenges, but you may need to step outside of your comfort zone in order to embrace those opportunities. That is why choosing to walk alongside BTS as an ARMY can be a life-changing decision, one that leads to growth and development, satisfaction and joy, tears and sadness. Ultimately though, the choice is always yours to make and the borasaek-borahae-purple path is there for you to take, should you wish to.
We are a handful of ARMYs in a global sea of millions who found a place of belonging with BTS. Although each of us is uniquely different, we are united in our love for these seven personable, extremely talented, and sometimes chaotic young men who have transformed our lives through their songs, their performances, and their messages of love, hope and trust. None of us anticipated that a seven-member K-pop idol group from South Korea would one day become an integral part of our lives. Yet here we are today as five team members from Borasaek Vision, sharing our stories — replete with lived experiences and memories of what it has been like for each of us to walk this journey with BTS.
If we can touch someone’s life as BTS has touched ours, then that in itself is enough. If something in our stories resonates with you, then our words were meant for you. If our shared stories have ignited a spark within you, then we invite you to seriously consider this path for yourself in the future — for just as you are hearing our stories now, someone is waiting to hear yours.
Suggested Citations
APA Citation
Hoani, S., Johnson, M., Moon, A., Patron, E. J., & Rahmanindita, A. (2020). Walking the borasaek road with BTS. The Rhizomatic Revolution Review [20130613], (1).
MLA Citation
Hoani, Shelley, Johnson, Miranda, Moon, Anna, Patron, Eunice Jean, and Rahmanindita, Annisa. “Walking the Borasaek Road with BTS.” The Rhizomatic Revolution Review [20130613], no.1, 2020.

This work by Shelley Hoani, Miranda Johnson, Anna Moon, Eunice Jean Patron, and Annisa Rahmanindita is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Illustration credit: Zuza Resides @ResidesIn