Read this to me
Peer review is just like it sounds — it is a review conducted by your peers! Peers include ARMY and individuals with knowledge specific to your submission category. We consider every creator a peer, regardless of age, degree, or background.
Reviewers will go through your submission in detail, and provide specific comments pertaining to factual integrity and conceptual cohesiveness. The submitting creator will be asked to consider these comments and provide a point-by-point response to them in addition to the revised submission.
Why do it?
Teamwork makes the dream work! Our reviewers are here to help ensure your work can be the best that it can be.
Peer review relies on a network of individuals who collectively possess a body of knowledge much larger than any single person (or editorial board!). By tapping into this network, we can match your submission with people who are well-equipped to provide insightful feedback.
Why masked?
A “masked” review means that the identity of the creator(s) will not be revealed to the reviewers during the review process, and neither will the identity of the reviewers be disclosed to the creator(s).
We believe that masking the identity of the submitting creator(s) from the reviewers helps ensure that they can assess your submission with minimal bias.
We emphasize mutual respect and supportive feedback, but the peer-review process can still be tough. We choose not to reveal the identity of the reviewers to the creator(s) to help depersonalize the feedback loop and promote an honest dialogue that facilities quality production.
What makes our process different?
We acknowledge that the peer-review process can be intimidating and difficult to navigate. We are committed to ensuring the success of our submitting creators. If your submission is recommended to undergo revisions during the peer-review process, you may opt to be assigned a mentor. The role of the mentor is to provide encouragement and guidance, and to work collaboratively with the creator to address reviewer comments and prepare their submission for the next round of peer review.
Are all submissions peer reviewed?
No, some submissions do not undergo peer review. R3 values and will publish both academic and personal work. Peer review is suitable for submission types that address subjects from an external perspective and are building upon a pre-existing body of public knowledge. In these instances, peers can contribute to ensuring the factual and logical integrity of the submission.
Non-academic, personal submission types such as Creative Collections and Supplemental Stories, which must be viewed subjectively, are intended to voice the unique experience and perspective of the creator(s), for whom they are the sole expert. These submissions undergo a standard editorial process.
See our Submission Guidelines for a detailed list of submission types and indication of those that fall under peer-review.